Ancient Siamese Bodywork ®
Label for quality standards in therapeutic Nuad Thai
Why ASB ® label ?
This label provides Nuad Boran Practioners and Teachers with a distinguished mark that assets the healthcare orientation, content and minimum duration of their training.
Who can apply to ASB Ancient Siamese Bodywork ® (P) Practitioner (T ) trainer label
Any Practioner and Trainer trained by the Institute for Traditional and Alternative Medicine /Ministry of Public Health Thailand.
Or any Practioner and Trainer trained by any school or teacher approved by the the Institute for Traditional and Alternative Medicine /Ministry of Public Health Thailand.
Or any Practioner and Trainer trained by ASB ® certified trainer.
What are our criteria for ASB training standards
We need asset the healthcare orientation, content and minimum duration of their training so the training matches with the criterias of theInstitute for Traditional and Alternative Medicine /Ministry of Public Health Thailand , as it is the case for every thai certified practitioner.
The minimum duration of study for becoming a certified pracktioner is fixed at 372 hours the be acquired in not less than 12 month. The aqauisition of basic trainig can only be taken into account up to 70 hours. Some advanced trainings, like the medical advanced training of Wat Pho can be taken into account. In case of controversy concerning the duration of approuved studies, the appliant will have to pass an exam organised by the Nuad Boran Thai Association Europe.